
Alternative-Rocker NOTHING MORE bringen neues Album

Die vier texanischen Alternative-Rocker von Nothing More kündigen mit „The Stories We Tell Ourselves“ ein neues Album für den 15. September an und stellen mit ‚Let ‚Em Burn‘ die erste, knallige Single vor. Zusätzlich gibt’s die ruhige Akustiknummer ‚Just Say When‘ vorab. Kaum zu glauben, daß die beiden unterschiedlichen Songs von einem Album stammen.

Das spricht eindeutig für die Vielseitgkeit der Herren. Das bestätigt Bandleader Jonny Hawkins in seinen Gedanken zum sozialkritischen Album:

„It’s a pretty big range on this record from song to song of very personal experiences to more global experiences — the content I was reflecting on personally a lot over this year, from my own personal evolution and reflection to my thoughts on stuff that was happening in the political world and social world. 2016 was probably one of the craziest elections this country has ever seen. It was pretty bizarre.

In the political world, I felt like I was watching two sides that I didn’t have a dog in either fight, and I felt like the stories that people were parroting and echoing in these echo chambers of people who agreed with them were many times half-truths. So this record is really focused on a personal process of being more skeptical of what people say out there, what the media says and also being more skeptical of what your own mind is telling you about your own feelings and where they’re coming from, why you’re feeling it and is it really someo

ne else’s fault or is it something you need to deal with.“

Die Jungs haben auch einige Live-Termine für später in diesem Jahr angekündigt:

26.11. Berlin, Musik & Frieden
30.11. AT-Wien, Chelsea
02.12. CH-Zürich, Dynamo
13.12. Köln, Luxor
14.12. Hamburg, Headcrash

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