ISENGARD – Verloren geglaubtes Solo-Album von DARKTHRONES Fenriz kommt

Für alle Fans der Black-Metal-Veteranen Darkthrone und deren Drummer Fenriz gibt es aufregende Neuigkeiten. Unter dem Namen Isengard veröffentlichte dieser in den frühen Neunzigern zwei Solo-Alben mit den Titeln „Vinterskugge“ und „Høstmørke“. Stilistisch zwischen Doom-, Death-, Black-, Folk- und Viking-Metal verortet, hätten diese nicht zu Darkthrone gepasst, darum veröffentlichte der Darkthrone Drummer sie Solo.
Nun ist das verloren geglaubte, dritte Album „Vårjevndøgn“ in Fenriz Archiven aufgetaucht und wird bei Peaceville Records am 2. Oktober veröffentlicht. Die Musik wurde zwischen 1989 und 1993 in den Necrohell Studios aufgenommen und alle Instrumente von Fenriz eingespielt. Sie erinnern an doomigen Metal/Rock im Stil von Pentagramm. Weil die Tracks teilweise 30 Jahre alt sind, werden die diversen Editionen exklusive Liner Notes zur Entstehung, den Aufnahmen und den Einflüßen jener Zeit beinhalten. Sie können hier bereits vorbestellt werden.
Fenriz selbst kommentiert das Ganze wie folgt:
“Ladies and Gentlemen metal maniacs, it’s Fenriz here. It has been 25 years since the last one but finally my 3rd solo album has materialized on this earth. All tracks in the old trusty Necrohell studio soundscape as well. How did this come to be?
Well, since 1992 or 1993 I had been thinking about this full on HEAVY metal track I recorded to sort of show that I too could make this style and that it meant a lot to me. But i could never find it, it seemed lost forever. the first 25 years I just figured it had been deleted by accident and the last couple of years I started to think that perhaps I just dreamt it all, that I never actually made it. And this led me to delve into the vaults of dusty old cassettes and I started to find loads and loads of material I had forgotten about. And then I searched even more. And FINALLY I found the track I was originally looking for. The result is an album recorded between 1989-1993, as the other Isengard albums also were. The first full track is solid proof of my eternal love for classic broad legged heavy metal and the rest is a varied display of lost Isengard tracks from ancient times.
ISENGARD as usual has a soundscape that needs cooperation from the listener to work with, it is not already chewed up and swallowed, here we all have to chip in and hack away to unearth our personal treasures. And this is one of the traits we call CULT METAL, the realm for those of us that enjoy lots of personality and authenticity.”
FENRIZ July 2020
Zwei Tracks kennen Fans bereits von der limitierten Peaceville „Traditional Doom Cult“ 7″ EP von 2017. Die Tracklist liest sich so:
- Cult Metal
- Dragon Fly (Proceed Upon The Journey)
- Floating With The Ancient Tide
- The Fright
- A Shape In The Dark
- Slash At The Sun
- Rockemillion
- The Light
- The Solar Winds Mantra