
SikTh präsentieren neues Video

Wenn es um Mathcore, Djent und extemen Progmetal geht, kann sich die ansonsten so uneinige Szene zumindest auf zwei Fakten einigen: neben den Urvätern Meshuggah haben die Briten SikTh wohl den größten Einfluss auf das Genre gehabt. Speziell das Debütalbum „The Trees Are Dead And Dried Out, Wait For Something Wild“ von 2003 gilt bis heute als wichtiger Impulsgeber – von Grindcore-Eruptionen über Prog zu einem Nick Drake-Cover wurden hier die Regeln des extremen wie des progressiven Metal neu aufgestellt.

Am 2. Juni 2017 erscheint das sehnsüchtig erwartete dritte Album „The Future In Whose Eyes?“, das erste vollständige Album seit dem 2006 erschienen „Death Of A Dead Day“ und nach der EP „Opacities“ der langerwartete erste Longplayer seit der 2014er Reunion der Band. Mit dem Song ‚Golden Cufflinks‘ präsentiert die Band nun den zweiten Videoclip zum Album – un der zeigt eine unerwartet eingängige Seite der Band.

Mikee W. Goodman über den Song: „The song is very melodic and is a very different type of song for SikTh fans to hear . Even though there are extremely aggressive moments on the new album. This song has a real epic and melodic feel to it. When I wrote the lyrics for Golden Cufflinks they were initially inspired by the amount of live music venues that are being closed and a feeling that rock culture is in decline. The venue which sticks out to me the most is the famous London Astoria. Some of the best SikTh shows were in the LA2 and main Astoria. I went a lot as a fan as well. So when that was closed and knocked down to make way for Crossrail it really was a sad & defining moment in rock history for me and many others.

I think places of such rich history and cultural importance should be protected and preserved. I see this happening across the country and world – so many other venues being shut down and how scenes and golden eras come and go. How we have to move along or do it seems. You see the business men buying up cities to turn them into the most profitable and bland form. It follows a similar theme from our song ‘Bland Street Bloom’ from Death of a Dead Day. This happens in many cities, it is not just about London, Golden Cufflinks is a reflection and commentary of this kind of happening.“

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